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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


General requirements

  1. Editor of the Indonesian State Budget and Financial Journal received a scientific text in the field of budgeting and management of state finances
  2. Scientific texts do not contain elements of plagiarism. Manuscripts must also meet the guidelines for writing a script and have never or not been in the process of publication in other media, both print and electronic.
  3. The Editorial Board has full authority in selecting the submitted text. Selection of scientific papers will be carried out together with related units in writing and objectively.
  4. The scientific papers published in the Indonesian Journal of Budget and Public Finance do not automatically reflect the views of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.
  5. The scientific paper is written in Indonesian or English with the Cambria typeface 10.5 and spacing exactly 15, top-down-left-right margin 3 cm. Paper size used A4 in one column format. The length of the scientific text is equivalent to 10 - 25 pages, including pictures, graphs, or tables.
  6. Articles to be published in journals must be completed with a letter of transfer of copyright.
  7. All incoming manuscripts must follow the format of the manuscript template contained at the end of this guideline.

Structure of Scientific Manuscripts

    The structure of writing a scientific script consists of 10 parts, namely: (1) title; (2) ownership lines; (3) abstract; (4) keywords; (5) introduction; (6) literature review; (7) methodology; (8) results of analysis and discussion; (9) conclusions and suggestions; (10) bibliography. Each section is written in capital letters (bold) with the following explanation:

1. Title

  1. The title is written in a concise and informative manner which contains key words from the topic covered with no more than 12 words.
  2. The typeface used cambria 14 (Bold) and spacing of 1.
  3. The title is written in two languages, Indonesian and English, avoiding abbreviations, formulas or references.
  4. Indonesian titles are written in capital letters. While the title in English is written in capital letters at the beginning of each word

2. Line of Ownership

  1. This line consists of two parts, the author's name and the author's institution along with the address and e-mail address.
  2. The names of writers should only be those who actually participated in the writing of the manuscript and do not need to include a title or degree with a maximum number of names that are listed by 5 authors.

3. Abstract

  1. Abstract written in Indonesian and English which contains a summary of research problems, objectives, research methods, results of analysis and policy recommendations
  2. Abstraction is written in one paragraph with no more than 200 words and typed with 1 space.

4. Keywords

  1. Keywords in Indonesian and English are written under abstracts as much as 3-6 keywords
  2. Keywords are written in alphabetical order and between keywords separated by commas (,).

5. Introduction

  1. The contents of the introduction should contain background problems, problems, and research objectives.
  2. In the Introduction section sub-headings need not be used. The length of the introductory page is approximately 10-15% of the total pages.

6. Literature Review

  1. Literature review contains literature which is used to support all those involved in writing the scientific text.
  2. In this section to avoid the inclusion of literature that is not or less relevant to the topic of writing the scientific manuscript.

7. Methodology

  1. The Research Methods section contains material and methods used in the research which include the analysis tools used, sampling techniques, measured variables, sources, periodization and data collection techniques, and analysis and statistical models used.
  2. or qualitative research, the research methods used can adjust.

8. Results of Analysis and Discussion

  1. This section describes and discusses the results of the study. Presentations in this section can be done using tables, graphs, or pictures that can support or clarify the presentation of results or analysis.
  2. Table titles, graphs, or pictures are arranged in the form of phrases (not sentences) in a concise manner.
  3. Table title is placed on top of the table without ending period.
  4. The title of the graphic, or image is placed below the graphic or image and ends with a dot.
  5. Avoiding repetition of writing numbers that have been listed in the table
  6. The discussion material focuses on whether the results of the study are in accordance with the hypothesis or not, as well as the arguments

9. Conclusions and Suggestions

  1. The conclusion is the answer to the research objectives that have been listed in the Introduction.
  2. Writing conclusions do not use statistical sentences or language.
  3. Writing conclusions not in the form of pointers or numerical, but in the form of essay paragraphs.

10. Bibliography

  1. The literature included in the Bibliography is only the literature that has become a reference in writing the scientific text.
  2. Referenced literature should pay attention to the latest of the literature.
  3. Bibliography is arranged alphabetically in alphabetical order by the name of the author.

For more infromation, download Author's Guideline here (ENG) or here (ID)

Download Electronic Journal Administration Guideline here

Download Article's template here:

(Article Template *.doc)

(Article Template *.docx)

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